What Amazes Me About PTSD
After another amazing 3 days working with soldiers with PTSD on the Warrior Programme charity, I’m again filled with admiration for anyone who has the self-awareness to own up to their problems and takes 100% responsibility for becoming the person they want to be.
The experience of PTSD can include the compounded extremes of anxiety disorders, stress burnout, depression, anger, chronic fatigue, sadness and guilt. This is often accompanied by a deep loss of confidence and disconnection from feelings of love and friendship from those closest to them.
It’s no surprise that sufferers of PTSD often lose their jobs, friends and marriages and through desparation are often associated with anti-social behaviour, homelessness and crime. This isn’t just a problem for the individuals concerned. It impacts everyone around them and our society as a whole.
What amazes me is that despite their debilitating condition, sufferers still manage to muster their courage and determination to seek out help. Their decision to put scepticism to one side and commit 100% to the possibility of resolving these problems once and for all is the first step. When they continue in this way, they always seem blown away by the profound changes that result. It’s a privelidge to be involved.
You can learn more, and if you wish, offer your support at www.warriorprogramme.org.uk