Gain Clarity Build Confidence

Confidence Building for Professional Success

Performance Coach Paul Burden assists forward-thinking professionals in sport, the media and business to gain the confidence to perform at their best in their careers.

His clients include PGA Tour golfers, pro fighters, media celebrities and business people who want to step up to reach their potential.

The confidence to step into the limelight or to thrive under pressure separates those who consistently enjoy success after success from those suffering from mediocrity, stress, anxiety and worse.


Miss Universe GB and Reality TV Winner:

Pic: Amy Willerton FHM Cover Confidence Coach Clarity

“Paul’s coaching enabled me to focus on my goals, make crucial decisions and most importantly relax with a clear focused mind…

“After every session I feel like I’ve just been on holiday – relaxed, enthusiastic and full of a zest for life…

Amy Willerton – Miss Universe GB & Reality TV Winner

Why Don’t I Have the Confidence I Want?

Let’s face it. Not having the confidence you want sucks. Everybody wants confidence. And I’m not talking about brash, over-confidence that leads to high expectations and a long way to fall. I’m talking about confidence that is grounded in one’s abilities and experience, augmented by resourcefulness and adaptability.

This is the kind of confidence that leads to easy decisions and instinctive activity. For a professional athlete for example, stepping into a bigger arena, with higher stakes, more experienced competitors, to say nothing of increased media coverage and expectations from coaches and loved ones, all adds to the pressure.

Confidence in these situations can make the difference between being at your best or going to pieces under pressure. The same is true in other professions. In most careers stepping up to the next level demands consistent, effective performance, especially when those all important opportunities to shine present themselves. Confidence is key.

So How Do I Build Confidence?

Competence in relevant skills certainly has an important role to play in developing confidence. It’s one important factor but it would be naive not to realise there is a lot more to it than that.

Everyone has had an experience of having the skills to perform but falling short of expectations because they lacked confidence in crucial moments. Instead they experience over-thinking, poor decision making and ineffective action, which dramatically impacts performance and enjoyment. So there’s more to it than just skills.

The biggest challenge people experience in getting the self-confidence they want is resolving the internal blocks, conflicts, fears and other unwanted emotions that currently prevent you from seeing things clearly and feeling good about the possibilities.

The good news is that these self-sabotaging gremlins can be resolved with relative ease, meaning you can look forward to being confident and resourceful and feel good about what to do next.

What Next?

One thing in life is sure. If you don’t have the confidence to go for it, someone else will. The sooner you take action to get the confidence you want, the sooner you’ll feel good about the things you want to do.

If you are professionally minded and ready to discover how easy it is for you, you can request a free initial call in confidence. Whatever you decide, make it quick, simple and effective for you.

