How to Start Reaching Your Potential

How to Discover the ONLY reason you've been stuck PLUS the one tool you need to start reaching your potential!
Have you had enough of feeling that you're not making the progress you could? Perhaps you've been procrastinating, feeling a bit stuck, going around in circles or otherwise feeling held back in some way and knowing you could achieve more?
It doesn’t matter how much strategising you do, or how much effort you’re making if it’s just not getting results. If you’re a professional in sport or business… you’re likely feeling the pressure.
And you’re not alone…
FACT: The Biggest Reasons People Fail to Reach their Potential are Self-Imposed
Why would anyone prevent themselves from reaching their potential? On the surface it seems illogical. And it is. However, the truth is, whilst we might like to make sense of why things are the way they are, the human experience is inherently irrational.
Think about it, emotions often aren't logical or rational, yet they drive so much of our behaviour. So no wonder we can’t make sense of a lot of our experiences, let alone the irrational experiences of feeling stuck, procrastinating, going around in circles or otherwise feeling held back.
More than that, our capacity for logic and making sense of things is a small aspect of our overall psychology. There’s a lot going on that happens unconsciously outside of awareness. Much of this works on different principles to those we are more used to and that’s why much of our experience often seems irrational.
Self-sabotage and holding yourself back are just a few of the irrational psychological patterns that cause people to fail to reach their potential.

Now Do You See Why Your Behavior Doesn’t Always Make Sense?
You can’t make sense of something when you are missing the key pieces!
You didn’t do anything wrong…
You just need the missing pieces of the puzzle and a way to see how they fit.
Welcome to my world of performance coaching.
Now, if you want to get access to the psychological approach to unlock your potential.… it’s going to cost you.
But don’t worry… as you’ll soon see it doesn’t cost very much, and if you do it right it will probably pay for itself in weeks if not days. Maybe even hours.
So how do you discover your hidden psychological patterns that have been holding you back and change them?
Is there a system or methodology that will give you the insight and momentum to go for the achievements you are truly capable of and the success you deserve?
There is, and that’s exactly what this page is all about…
So How Do You Start Reaching Your Potential?
One of the performance problems I hear most often, even when working with world class athletes, business leaders and other high performing professionals alike, is one of feeling stuck, procrastinating or failing to make meaningful progress.
How often do you know what you need to do, but just can’t seem to get there? Hitting glass ceilings, performance plateaus or other invisible barriers to success are all too common.
There simply aren’t enough hours in the day for me to help everyone with this problem and that’s why I knew we had to come up with an easy solution.
So rather than get overwhelmed, we got to work…
In addition to reviewing the notes from hundreds of successful client engagements on this subject, we rigorously tested different methodologies and netted them down to the core psychological processes needed to get results.
When we finished, we were left with a powerful, easy to follow 5-step strategy that incorporated our best practices, together with the essential principles and instructions needed to put them into practice.... Introducing...
The Big Lever - How to Start Reaching Your Potential

8 weeks open access to the programme right now for just £197

Here’s a sampling of what’s covered in this programme…
- How to reveal the hidden psychological patterns that have been holding you back…
- The easy critical step that practically guarantees you will make progress where it matters most
- Discover the only reason why you haven't been able to stop procrastinating or feeling stuck - and no, I’m NOT just talking about cat pictures 🙂
- How to start reaching your potential…. And know you are making progress towards this….
- How to get greater clarity on what you really want… and don’t want in your profession
- The simple and easy way to uncover your greatest development opportunities for professional GROWTH….
- One mistake everyone makes that causes a lack of clear perspective and what to do instead…
- How, where and when to use your psychology before taking action (and when to stop thinking and just get on with it)
- How to minimize feelings of frustration and stress (HINT: Mess this up and you could be on the way to mediocrity, or even burnout or other stress related illness)
- What kind of actions to take for maximum progress and measurable results (and another rookie mistake to avoid like the plague)…
- The failsafe method for overcoming obstacles… no matter what they are…
- How to hold yourself accountable and track your progress
- The five templates / worksheets that virtually guarantee your success…
Personally, I see so many people trying to find a solution to this problem on their own, oblivious of the forces at work, which prevent them from making quick progress.
As Einstein famously said “You can’t solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created the problem.”
You can lose months and years without a proven, step-by-step method to follow, so this is especially true if you want to make progress quickly.
I’m just letting you know…
Don’t Invest More Energy Until You Learn How to Break the Pattern
Have you ever heard the expression: “You don’t know what you don’t know”?
The same applies here!
At we’ve already done all the hard work, seen all the mistakes and figured out what works (and what doesn’t). And believe me, there have been times when I've been stuck and couldn't see the pattern causing it without using the right methodology, so I know how elusive they can be…
…and I do this stuff for a living!!
That’s why I’m so careful to document WHAT WORKS into underlying principles and easy-to-follow methodologies, which I also use for myself whenever I run into limiting patterns.
In the past these methodologies were only available for my one-to-one private clients alone, but now I’m making a select few available to forward-thinking professionals through online programmes (you’ll see why in just a bit).
So now you don’t have to go it alone!
Normally access to these methodologies costs hundreds or thousands, but for a very limited time I’ll let you have instant access to this programme for just £197.
Literally, you can subscribe to another movie channel you barely watch, or you can:
- Become a rising star amongst your peers by being the guy (or girl) who consistently makes progress (even where other fail)…
- Save time (and energy) by having clarity on your own self-limiting patterns and what to do about them…
- Avoid potentially career limiting stagnation – and worse!
- Go from struggling to make progress, to really starting to reach your potential, and…
- Tick off those actions and achievement after achievement…
The choice is yours…
Click the “Get Access Now” button and start making progress in 5 minutes…
How to Make Progress and Start Reaching Your Potential

8 weeks open access to the programme right now for just £197

Frequently Asked Questions:
What’s a Self-Paced Online Programme?
It’s definitely not just an ordinary PDF download or workbook...
…This self-paced online programme is more like a “psychological launch pad!” It includes:
- 11 succint to the point videos tutorials telling you exactly what you need to know and how to start reaching your potential
- 5 easy to use worksheets / templates to help you make the programme work for you
- Frequently asked questions to make progress a breeze....
- And how to get help if you need it....
Here's how it works:
In the last 20 years my team and I have:
· Helped thousands of people to start reaching their potential
· We’ve netted down the principles and methods that work for everybody
· Eliminated all the fluff and superfluous information
· Packaged these principles and methods with the step by step instructions needed to make them work.
They’re all meat and no fluff. If you want backstory and theory, go read a blog post. These programmes are all about taking action and getting results as quickly and easily as possible.
Why £197?
If you’re thinking “£197 is cheap…what’s the catch?” then here are three reasons that should put your mind at ease:
1. Yes £197 is ridiculously inexpensive for what you get. It's a special soft-launch price that puts this information within the reach of everyone…from sports people to entrepreneurs, startups and even FTSE 100. (And at £197, you shouldn’t have to get approval or fill out a purchase order 😉 ). The price will go up.
2. It weeds out the freebie-seekers who don't commit to follow through. We only want professionals who take action, and in our experience charging anything…even if it’s just £1…gets rid of 99% of those who won’t follow the programme.
3. We tested it, and £197 makes it a simple and easy decision – and we want you to take action now. (Hey, we’re all in this together so why not tell it like it is?)
We also believe that once you experience this programme, you’ll want more and maybe…just maybe…you’ll come back, buy more and possibly even upgrade to one-one coaching programmes, where you get access to me in person.
But that’s it…
No fine print…no “hidden trials”…no shenanigans. Just the information you need and the results you want.
Is there a guarantee?
Yep… our online programmes have a 30-day, no-questions-asked guarantee.
In other words, if you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give you your money back. We obviously don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you’re even the least bit worried if this will work for you, then put your mind at ease. You either make progress or you get your money back. It’s as simple as that!
How long will it take to get access to this guide?
Your login and access information will be sent to the email address you provide, along with a link so you can access the guide inside of our members only area straight away.
Do you have any examples or case studies of other people who have worked with you to get good results?
Here are just a few…

Chris Wood - Ryder Cup and European Tour Pro Golfer
Sport Success - Chris Wood - World Top 30 and Ryder Cup Golfer
"Paul Burden will help me achieve everything I want in my career. Every time I'm home I want to see him to continue the work we have started because it's so exciting where we are going..."
"I've worked with several 'psychologists' since i was around 14 years old but have never come across anyone like Paul. I will admit I was sceptical when I was first told about some of the things that might come up, but now I can say it has been one of the best additions to my support team I've ever made.

Dave Telford -
Co-Founder Koan Ltd
Executive Success - Business Owner
"Working with Paul has been transformational. In business we are seeing significant success due to Paul’s techniques and on a personal level I am living a much more balanced, fulfilling and enjoyable life.
"I feel I have clarity on what I want to achieve and a process to achieve my goals. I feel lucky to have worked with Paul in my early 30’s as I hope to have many years ahead of me to succeed in ever growing goals I set myself. Thanks Paul.
How to Make Progress and Start Reaching Your Potential

8 weeks open access to the programme right now for just £197

If you are not satisfied with the value offered by the programme, just let us know within 30 days of purchase and our guarantee means we'll give you your money back.
You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.